This is our brand new Logo and our brand new website!
Isn’t he or she cute?!
Bonnie Ferguson, our Director of Adoptions, and I, worked with our Design Team to get just the right logo for our new website!
We played with the shadowing, the face, lip color, star color and the collar.
When we finally “got” it, and he or she REALLY came to life, we just loved it!
We now own the full set of files for our logo.
We can use it on a bill board if we want to! Ha!
The only thing missing is…A NAME!
Please send just ONE email with your name and email address to
Please include the name that you think fits our new logo, and ONE PHOTO of your dog or dogs. If you like, you can be in it too!
(The photos do not have to be Bichons. If you are a supporter of Small Paws® Rescue, that’s more than enough!)
I know I’m asking for my e-mail box to light up. GO AHEAD AND LIGHT!
Next, if you’ve adopted from us, or volunteered for us, we’d love to print your review and a picture of either you or you and your dogs, on our new home page!
Here are some sample reviews that are there now!