In the “Comments” section, let us know the names of the humans that will be attending, and the names of doggies that will be attending.
In the “Comments” section, let us know the names of the humans that will be attending, and the names of doggies that will be attending. We need this in advance for food preparation!
Pet Friendly Hotels in Terre Haute, Indiana
Editor’s Note: The Holiday Inn listed above is no longer accepting pets.
Early birds arriving on Friday, June 30, will have dinner together on Friday evening, June 30, at 6:30 P.M. and you can bring your dogs!
We will be going to dinner at a winery in Terra Haute, the WaterTower Estates! Dinner will be at 6:30 p.m. and will be catered by Bandanas BBQ !
Mary Jo Barnett, at, our 25th Anniversary Midwest Small Paws® Rescue Bichon Bash host, is simply AMAZING!
I want to share just a tiny bit of what she has planned for you all!
First of all, and I don’t know how in the world she is going to do this but she tells me she can do it, SHE IS GOING TO COOK LUNCH THE DAY OF THE BASH FOR US ALL!
Mary Jo told me that her family is from Czechoslovakia, and they have something there called a Kolache.
She asked me if I knew what that was.
I said, “Hmmm. Are they things in curio cabinets that need dusting?”
No. That’s a tchotchke. (A tchotchke is a small, decorative object that’s not valuable or precious.)
“Is it a shoe?”
No. That’s a Huarache. (A type of Mexican sandal.)
“Ok. I give up1 What IS it?”
Mary Jo is going to make these for us for our main dish for lunch! They are filled with various meats and cheese fillings. And if that isn’t enough, she’s making home made lemon bars for dessert!
Today, she met with the MAYOR of Terre Haute and he is going to make a proclamation for Small Paws® Rescue on that day!
We are also being given some donations from companies in Terre Haute. The Mayor told us to tell them that he sent us!
And the Mayor’s office is arranging for some other surprises as well!
In the “Comments” section, let us know the names of the humans that will be attending, and the names of doggies that will be attending.
In the “Comments” section, let us know the names of the humans that will be attending, and the names of doggies that will be attending. We need this in advance to prepare for food and drinks.
Pet Friendly Hotels in Terre Haute, Indiana
Editor’s Note: The Holiday Inn listed above is no longer accepting pets.
This is HAPPENING! A small town in middle America is getting ready to meet a National Organization and a lot of little white fluffies!
Mary Jo says she wants this to be the most memorable Bash we’ve ever had, and I believe she is going to make sure that it is! Let us know if you can come!
Cities 3 hours from Terre Haute With Map
Bonnie Ferguson, our Director of Adoptions, and myself will be in attendance. We can’t wait to see you!
We also will have a couple of celebrities there, LIVE AND IN PERSON!
First, remember the story that went around the world back in December of 2019?
A BICHON was thrown from a car and nearly killed near Chicago! But you all came together and saved him and he will be at The Midwest Small Paws Rescue Bichon Bash in Terre Haute!
Do you remember who it is?
It’s “Elf”! He was adopted by a Police Officer and family and no one is ever going to hurt him again!
Dog thrown from moving car, ‘left to die’ on South Side is expected to recover.
Tiny white dog named ‘Elf’ by rescuers is lucky to be alive after ‘being hurled from a moving car and left to die’ on a busy street in Chicago
Some of you, who may participate in our online auctions, may know that we also have a Bichon loving celebrity who has supported Small Paws for years.
It’s author and artist, Cathy Pearson.
Cathy is bringing two of her paintings for us to auction. These are two she has painted.
She’ll also be bringing some of her famous novels that include Bichons in the stories, like:
Trouble in Paradise: A Cassie Grimes Mystery by Cathy Pearson and
Family Ties: A Cassie Grimes Mystery by Cathy Pearson
Cathy has even acknowledged all of YOU and Small Paws® Rescue in one of her books. Thank you Cathy Pearson!
Let us know if you may be able to attend! Let’s make this the best Bash ever! All My Love, Robin