March 16, 2022
To Whom it May Concern,
I tried calling 254-203-3466 but Verizon said the number could not be completed as dialed.
You sound like great people, and you probably are not aware, but the name you are using, Bi-Stone Small Paws, is protected by a Federal trademark.
Anywhere the words “Small Paws” are used in class 045, for Animal Rescue, it is protected by a Federal Trademark.
Small Paws® Rescue is a National organization with over 7500 members.
Here are your sites using our Trademarked name.>bistonesmallpawsrescue/
Adopt a Pet and Petfinders.
We have been confused and it’s how I learned of you all.
We are very active in the State of Texas with first use of the name “Small Paws®” in 1998.
We’ve been in business for over 23 years.
Please change your business name, website, social media pages, and your e-mail address, to reflect the the new name that you choose.
We are required by the USPTO to defend our Federally Trademarked name by all legal means at our disposal.
For your Trademark Attorney’s records, below are our registration numbers.
The owner, Small Paws Rescue, Inc., a corporation of Oklahoma, having an address of
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74107
United States
is filing a Combined Declaration of Use and/or Excusable Nonuse/Application for Renewal of Registration of a Mark under Sections 8 & 9.
For International Class 045, the mark is in use in commerce on or in connection with allgoods/services, or to indicate membership in the collective membership organization, listed in the existing registration for this specific class: Adoption or sale services for domestic animals ; or, the owner is making the listed excusable nonuse claim.
The owner is submitting one(or more) specimen(s) showing the mark as used in commerce on or in connection with any item in this class, consisting of a(n) Screenshot of Website as of 9/18/15 using work mark “Small Paws”.
1 [SPN0-242112164-20150918111918357058_._SPR_Website_Copy.pdf ]
The registrant’s current Correspondence Information: Small Paws Rescue, Inc.
Robin Pressnall
Please contact me at your earliest convenience.
This is an urgent matter.
Again, we know that you didn’t know, but we are required by the USPTO to defend our Trademarked name.
We will work with you in any way possible to get things changed to a new name for you.
It is not our intent to make problems for you with Facebook or anywhere else you are using the name. We know that you didn’t know.
Sincerely, Robin Pressnall
Small Paws® Rescue Inc.
Executive Director
CC: Small Paws® Board of Trustees