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Thursday Evening, November 8, 2012

Gem of the Day: "I am not embarrassed to tell you that I believe in miracles."

~Corazon Aquino~

Our Chipper is back home! He is breathing normally! The stent procedure was a complete success! Thank you for praying for us!!

Click on the Bichon puppy to see page 2 of the Small Paws Rescue Newsletter, including fostering and adoption information.

Dear Small Pawsers,

Welcome to our newest members of our Small Paws® Rescue Online Newsletter, especially to those of you who may have seen us on October 24, 2011 on Fox and Friends in New York City, or on Animal Planet on "Dogs 101.", or you may have recently read about us in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Find Your Happiness, 101 Stories about Finding Your Purpose, Passion and Joy , or you may have seen us on "Inside Edition" with Deborah Norville.

If you missed our last newsletter,
click here to read it.

We are thanking God, we are thanking YOU for your prayers, and we are thanking the staff at Dr. Hodge's clinic where an unbelievable medical procedure took place this morning, saving our Chipper's life!

He had a collapsing trachea and was in the end and terminal stages of it.

We opted to have a non invasive procedure done and you have to see the before and after digital x-rays!

The red arrows point to Chipper's collapsing trachea (the long thin shadow line) before the stent was put in today. There was very little space for air to pass.
He was turning blue when he got excited.

The red arrows now point to the new mesh stent, which when inserted and opened up, gives him a completely normal breathing space!

When they came out and told me it was over and the stent was perfectly in place and working, I just about lost it! Thank you all for praying!

But then it got even better!

After we knew he was awake and breathing normally, we went to lunch.

Dr. Hodges called me and my heart sank.

He said, "He is barking his little head off. I'm going to send him home! Come and get him!"

Oh my! He is now home and breathing without the panting or the honking!

I can't even remember not hearing him breathing HARD and honking!

Remember, this is a procedure for end stage collapsing trachea, where medical management is no longer working.

He's a little stoned, but still wagging that tail!
He came into the house and up the steps on his own!

He is doing just great!

Thank you for praying for us! All My Love, Robin

Humphrey Sisco
Dec 26, 1993~ Aug 30, 2006

When I first saw this beautiful picture of Cheri Sisco's "Humphrey", I thought it was truly the epitome of what we do, and why we do it. I wanted to use this black and white picture of Humphrey, taken only days before his death due to congestive heart failure, to let those who may be new to Small Paws, know what we do and why we do it. Without Small Paws, Humphrey would have never known love. He would have died in a kill shelter, sick and alone. Because of Small Paws, and Cheri Sisco, he lived, he loved, and he smiled.

(All recipients of the Small Paws Rescue newsletter receive it voluntarily. Small Paws never gleans e-mail addresses from other e-mail lists. Small Paws never solicits e-mail addresses or shares them with other "lists" or organizations.)

Small Paws® Rescue Inc.