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Bichons For Adoption By Nationwide Click Here 

Thursday Morning, November 8, 2012

Gem of the Day: "Shopping is a woman thing. It’s a contact sport like football. Women enjoy the scrimmage, the noisy crowds, the danger of being trampled to death, and the ecstasy of the purchase."

~Erma Bombeck~

The Small Paws Rescue® Online Holiday Auction is Happening Now!

"Stool is made of light weight metal with padded seat upholstered in home decorator's fabric. Black with tan square accents and embroidered with a full body Bichon. A truly beautiful piece to add to any decor."

Opening Bid $25.00

589 items are up for auction! Only 50% of them have bids!

Donna Brown at daisy1027@aol.com is here to answer any questions you may have about the auction!

Click here for step-by-step directions for using
our shopping cart to make a donation

To make a one time donation, or a monthly donation to Small Paws Rescue, you may use your major credit card securely, at this site.

If you've made a past donation by credit card, you may e-mail Louie Bertolino at louieb@smallpawsrescue.org to let him know the amount of your donation for the Bichons.

You may also call Louie on his cell phone at 1-424-442-9484
Louie is on Eastern Standard Time!
(Please leave a message and Louie will return your call if he is not available!)

You may also send a check or money order to:
Small Paws Rescue Inc.
3316 S. 72nd. W. Ave.
Tulsa, Ok. 74107

Click on the Bichon puppy to see page 2 of the Small Paws Rescue Newsletter, including fostering and adoption information.

Dear Small Pawsers,

Welcome to our newest members of our Small Paws® Rescue Online Newsletter, especially to those of you who may have seen us on October 24, 2011 on Fox and Friends in New York City, or on Animal Planet on "Dogs 101.", or you may have recently read about us in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Find Your Happiness, 101 Stories about Finding Your Purpose, Passion and Joy , or you may have seen us on "Inside Edition" with Deborah Norville.

If you missed our last newsletter,
click here to read it.

We have 294 items in our Small Paws Rescue® Online Holiday Auction without bids yet!

Please consider doing your Holiday shopping here! There are many lovely items!

I want to give you a Happy Tails update about one of our recently adopted Bichons named Ariel, from Arkansas.

<Subject: Ariel in Arkansas
Date: 11/5/2012 2:19:07 P.M. Central Standard Time
From: csisco@conwaycorp.net

I wanted to send these pics to you to include in your next happy endings newsletter.

Ariel at time of rescue.

Ariel now.

This is truly why we do what we do. Little Ariel was out of time because the shelter couldn't do anything about her horrible teeth. We got her, had a dental done where she lost 17 teeth, and she will be going to her new forever home this week. What a shame it would have been if this baby hadn't been saved. Thanks to everyone whose contributions helped save her.

Cheri Sisco
Arkansas Team Leader
Small Paws Rescue

we have some sad news from our IL. and IN. Team Leader, Sara Pace.

She lost one of her own personal dogs, yesterday.

They think Sammy may have had either cancer or Pulmonary Fibrosis.

He was only seven, but he was a blind diabetic. And then this lung thing happened. :(

<Subject: Here is our last picture
Date: 11/7/2012 4:47:09 P.M. Central Standard Time
From: pacess4@att.net

Sammy went to the rainbow bridge this afternoon. He started having signs of respiratory distress on Monday. They are thinking it was maybe cancer but we are not for sure. I didn't let him suffer. He was such a wonderful fluff. He was my first SPR foster failure. Sara>

Sara and Scott, we are so sorry to hear about Sammy's passing.

Lastly, on a personal note, Dale and I want to ask for your prayers.

For those of you who don't know our Chipper, he's the one who started it all for me.

Without Chipper. there would have been no Small Paws.

Read About Chipper's Story of Survival From a Puppy Mill

Chipper is 14 1/2 now.

We took this of Chipper last night!
His tail is always wagging. He is the happiest dog I have ever met.

See a video of Chipper also taken last night. He is such a happy boy.

Chipper has had a collapsing trachea, which he has had since birth. He has always coughed after getting a drink.

It's a progressive disease which is fatal if left alone.

Chipper is healthy in every other way. He isn't deaf. He doesn't even have cataracts. But his trachea is collapsing more and more.

He can't do too much without honking and he had to be intubated last summer after he turned completely blue.

If he gets excited, he honks. We have to drug him to take him to the vet.

So, his Dad and I have made a decision, along with our great veterinary Internist, Dr. Steven Hodges.

Dr. Hodges wants to do a procedure on Chipper involving fluoroscopy, where they insert a mesh stint down his throat, to hold up the collapsing trachea.

This is much like using a stint for heart issues in human beings, but this is new technology.

They used to do actual surgery where they made an incision in the neck, to insert plastic rings, which were prone to breakage.

The new material is a metal mesh like substance called Nitinol and there is no surgery.

With the previous plastic rings and the surgery, there was only a 50/50 survival rate.

With this new technology, (no cutting is done) as long as a dog can withstand anesthesia, (Chipper went under anesthesia last February to have his teeth cleaned and did fine, and last summer he was intubated and did fine) he said survival estimates for Chipper will be 90 percent or better.

Chipper will come home the same day or possibly would need to stay only one night.

Since Chipper doesn't have anything else wrong, his heart and kidneys are good, and he could live for a few more years, Dale and I have decided to go forward with this.

He won't be with us much longer if we don't do anything.

And this has a pretty good rate of survival even on elderly dogs.

Most of the patients getting it are elderly dogs in end stage collapsing trachea disease.

There is a radiologist at the Animal Medical Center in New York who assists the Internist to measure exactly for the stint size.

Chipper's stent had to be custom made for him.

The radiologist will be online watching the fluoroscopy in real time, guiding Dr. Hodges on where to place the stint.

We would have never opted for the other kind of surgery to repair his trachea.

But now there is something much easier and we are going to try to go for it.

This is a little more about how it works, for any of you who may have dogs with collapsing tracheas.

So the procedure will be today at 11:00 this morning.

No news from me is good news.

Dale and I will be there the whole time, waiting and praying for our boy.

We know he won't live forever, but if we can give him more time with a good quality of life, we want to do that.

Dr. Hodges has done this one only one other dog and she is a yorkie who was hours from death. She is doing great 4 weeks out! She can breathe without honking!

I'm so glad that those of you who were stranded here due to the hurricane, got to see Chipper after the Okie Bash.

We thank you all for your prayers!

All My Love, Robin

See vet Bills Paid By Small Paws Rescue in November of 2012 totalling $9,106.90
for the first 5 days of November. This is an average of $1,821.38 per day

(After paying our vet bills, we were down to negative $197.00.)

If you have made a past donation by credit card, you may e-mail Louie Bertolino at louieb@smallpawsrescue.org to let him know the amount of your donation for the Bichons.

You may also call Louie on his cell phone at 1-424-442-9484
Louie is on Eastern Standard Time!
(Please leave a message and Louie will return your call if he is not available!)

Companies Who Match Employees Donations  

From Small Paws Ebay!

Feedback Score Of 2100 100% Positive Comments.

"Small Paws Rescue Ebay SPR Ebay is open! Come and take a look. Patti Newlin

If you have items to donate to sell on Ebay, please email us! 




Contact Rose Coward, our Small Paws Rescue Online E-Store managerat RMCOWARD@aol.com.

Try GoodSearch.com as your search engine and as your online shopping portal!
Small Paws is signed up and each time you use it, either to search or to go to an online seller, funds are sent to Small Paws for the Bichons! You can buy those shoes at Zappos and those books at Amazon *AND* donate to Small Paws Rescue! Try it out! So far, Small Pawsers have done over 100,000 searches and have shopped to raise $$2,641.38 for Small Paws Rescue!

How to Become a Much Needed Small Paws® Rescue Foster Parent!

See how we REALLY feel about our volunteers!

Prayer Reports and Requests

Thank You's

(God loves you more than anyone else ever has,
and more than anyone else ever will!)

Hear the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir sing "So You Would Know."

Will God let us have our beloved pet's in heaven?

Information About Our Programs

(Let Us Help You to Keep Your Pet During Tough Financial Times)

"Trust, a Deadly Disease"
A MUST read, sent in by our Team Leader
to the Carolinas, Kathryn Smith
~By Sharon Mathers. Published 1988 in Canine Concepts
and Community Animal Control Magazine.~

Humphrey Sisco
Dec 26, 1993~ Aug 30, 2006

When I first saw this beautiful picture of Cheri Sisco's "Humphrey", I thought it was truly the epitome of what we do, and why we do it. I wanted to use this black and white picture of Humphrey, taken only days before his death due to congestive heart failure, to let those who may be new to Small Paws, know what we do and why we do it. Without Small Paws, Humphrey would have never known love. He would have died in a kill shelter, sick and alone. Because of Small Paws, and Cheri Sisco, he lived, he loved, and he smiled.

(All recipients of the Small Paws Rescue newsletter receive it voluntarily. Small Paws never gleans e-mail addresses from other e-mail lists. Small Paws never solicits e-mail addresses or shares them with other "lists" or organizations.)

Small Paws® Rescue Inc.