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Friday Morning, January 25, 2013

Gem of the Day: "All God's Creatures Got A Place In The Choir" Video


"All God's creatures got a place in the choir
Some sing low and some sing higher,
Some sing out loud on a telephone wire,
Some just clap their hands, or paws, or anything they've got now!"

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To make a one time donation, or a monthly donation to Small Paws Rescue, you may use your major credit card securely, at this site.

If you've made a past donation by credit card, you may e-mail Louie Bertolino at
louieb@smallpawsrescue.org to let him know the amount of your donation for the Bichons.

You may also call Louie on his cell phone at 1-424-442-9484
Louie is on Eastern Standard Time!
(Please leave a message and Louie will return your call if he is not available!)

You may also send a check or money order to:
Small Paws Rescue Inc.
3316 S. 72nd. W. Ave.
Tulsa, Ok.

Click on the Bichon puppy to see page 2 of the Small Paws Rescue Newsletter, including fostering and adoption information.

Dear Small Pawsers,

Small Paws Rescue Online Newsletter, especially to those of you who may have recently seen us on December 11, 2012, on Fox and Friends in New York City , or on Animal Planet on "Dogs 101.", or you may have read about us in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Find Your Happiness, 101 Stories about Finding Your Purpose, Passion and Joy . You also may have seen us on "Inside Edition" with Deborah Norville!

One year old little Zoey had her laser surgery and she is no longer leaking urine!

Thanks to you, little Zoey had etopic ureter surgery which was a complete success!

Thank you all so very much!

And we have an update on little Watson,
who was with us on Fox News in New York City back in December.

Watson has sure been through it. He was hit by a car before we rescued him.

His little back leg needed surgery, which we did. He had a plate put in.

Well, it just has not gone well.

Last weekend, he was in his wire crate, on crate rest after surgery at his foster home, and somehow he got his E-collar caught on one of the hooks. He wiggled out of his E-collar and chewed through his surgery incision, to where the plate was showing.

Of course we rushed him to the ER next door to Dr. Skip Tangner, the surgeon.

They bandaged him up and despite being in another E-collar he has found a way to get through those bandages.

He is just one of those little guys who is not going to leave the incision alone if he can figure out a way to get to it, and evidently, he can. :(

We just don't think he is going to be able to keep this leg. Dr. Skip thinks he will be better off with an amputation, so we are going to do that tomorrow.

Now, we have done several amputations over the years and I've never known one of them not to just take off running. Dogs don't think of an amputation like we do.

Case in point. This is one of our little hit by car guys, named Jack,

His front leg was to mangled to save, so we amputated it.

Click to see the video!

Look closely at this video and look FAST. You can hardly tell which leg is gone because he is going so fast!

Subject: Jack's video
Date: 1/16/2013 8:30:25 A.M. Central Standard Time
From: pacess4@att.net

Jack is finally ready. He is now 12 months old. He had to have his front leg amputated! He is doing great! Thank you Candy, for investing all this time in him, so he can now find his forever home.


So Watson is going to be fine and guess what? His foster mom is adopting him! So he has a forever home and I am very grateful to all of you!

And finally, little Kody, who was hit by a car in California, had a Diaphragmatic Hernia which we repaired surgically right before Christmas, in now in Columbus, Ohio awaiting his balloon procedure for pulmonic stenosis, which is a heart murmur.

He will have this done at Medvet.

So that's the news for now! Thank you all for supporting this magnificent obsession.

Have a wonderful weekend! All My Love, Robin

See Vet Bills Paid By Small Paws Rescue For The First 17 Days of
January 2013, totalling $31,530.90 Which Is An Average of $1,854.75 Per Day

If you've made a past donation by credit card, you may e-mail Louie Bertolino at louieb@smallpawsrescue.org to let him know the amount of your donation for the Bichons.

You may also call Louie on his cell phone at 1-424-442-9484
Louie is on Eastern Standard Time!
(Please leave a message and Louie will return your call if he is not available!)

You may also send a check or money order to:
Small Paws Rescue Inc.
3316 S. 72nd. W. Ave.
Tulsa, Ok.

Companies Who Match Employees Donations

From Small Paws Ebay!

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"Small Paws Rescue Ebay

"SPR Ebay is open! Come see!"

If you have items to donate to sell on Ebay, please email us! 




Small Paws Rescue Online E-Store managerat RMCOWARD@aol.com.

Try GoodSearch.com as your search engine and as your online shopping portal!
Small Paws is signed up and each time you use it, either to search or to go to an online seller, funds are sent to Small Paws for the Bichons! You can buy those shoes at Zappos and those books at Amazon *AND* donate to Small Paws Rescue! Try it out! So far, Small Pawsers have done over 100,000 searches and have shopped to raise $$2,641.38 for Small Paws Rescue!

How to Become a Much Needed Small Paws® Rescue Foster Parent!

See how we REALLY feel about our volunteers!

Prayer Requests and Reports

>Subject: Rudy
Date: 1/11/2013 12:14:25 P.M. Central Standard Time
From: oneaddie@aol.com

Surgery over God blessed us. Dr saved the valve. The bypasses went well. Grafted out aneurysm. THE POWER OF PRAYER!! Thank you!!>

<Subject: Prayer request
Date: 1/18/2013 6:13:49 A.M. Central Standard Time
From: hughesmi68@hotmail.com

Hi Robin,
I need your direct line support to God. I'm leaving NY in March for AZ. I'm putting my house up for rent in hopes I can find a renter so I can keep this house, update it and then sell it a few more years from now. But I"m starting to panic because (past incident) as the time gets closer, I'm SO worried that I won't find a renter, my house will go into foreclosure. I really need a lot of prayers right now that I can find a good renter while I'm out in AZ. TY>

(Always remember. God loves you more than anyone else ever has,
and more than anyone else ever will!)

Hear the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir sing "So You Would Know."

Will God let us have our beloved pet's in heaven?

Information About Our Programs
Let Us Help You to Keep Your Pet During Tough Financial Times)

"Trust, a Deadly Disease"
A MUST read, sent in by our Team Leader
to the Carolinas, Kathryn Smith
~By Sharon Mathers. Published 1988 in Canine Concepts
and Community Animal Control Magazine.~

>When these folks applied to adopt, and we asked how their Bichon was killed by a car, this was their response. We hear this on an average of once a week. PLEASE don't take a chance with the life of your Bichon!

To: bonnie@smallpawsrescue.org
Subject: Re: Small Paws Rescue

We had him for the last five years, He is very obedient normally when we say "stay" he will stop wherever he is, so some times we are used to play with him in the yard for he loves to run around the yard in circles, during that time we did not put him on the leash, this particular day he was not on leash and did not yield to the command when he saw some dog across the road. It took off so suddenly the on coming driver did not have time to stop the car. That is how it happened.>

Humphrey Sisco
Dec 26, 1993~ Aug 30, 2006

When I first saw this beautiful picture of Cheri Sisco's "Humphrey", I thought it was truly the epitome of what we do, and why we do it. I wanted to use this black and white picture of Humphrey, taken only days before his death due to congestive heart failure, to let those who may be new to Small Paws, know what we do and why we do it. Without Small Paws, Humphrey would have never known love. He would have died in a kill shelter, sick and alone. Because of Small Paws, and Cheri Sisco, he lived, he loved, and he smiled.

(All recipients of the Small Paws Rescue newsletter receive it voluntarily. Small Paws never gleans e-mail addresses from other e-mail lists. Small Paws never solicits e-mail addresses or shares them with other "lists" or organizations.)

Small Paws® Rescue Inc.