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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Gem of the Day: "If it fails, admit it frankly and try another.
But above all, try something."

~ Franklin D. Roosevelt ~

Sara Pace and 3 Year Old "Piper"

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To make a one time donation, or a monthly donation to Small Paws Rescue, you may use your major credit card securely, at this site.

If you've made a past donation by credit card, you may e-mail Louie Bertolino at
louieb@smallpawsrescue.org to let him know the amount of your donation for the Bichons.

You may also call Louie on his cell phone at 1-424-442-9484
Louie is on Eastern Standard Time!
(Please leave a message and Louie will return your call if he is not available!)

You may also send a check or money order to:
Small Paws Rescue Inc.
3316 S. 72nd. W. Ave.
Tulsa, Ok.

Click on the Bichon puppy to see page 2 of the Small Paws Rescue Newsletter, including fostering and adoption information.

Dear Small Pawsers,

Small Paws Rescue Online Newsletter, especially to those of you who may have recently seen us on December 11, 2012, on Fox and Friends in New York City , or on Animal Planet on "Dogs 101.", or you may have read about us in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Find Your Happiness, 101 Stories about Finding Your Purpose, Passion and Joy . You also may have seen us on "Inside Edition" with Deborah Norville!

If you missed our previous newsletter, here it is.

Well, guys, I have screwed up here.

I'm hoping there is a way to fix it without putting even more strain on the organization. I am just so sorry. I made a bad call.

As I was telling you last week, we have over 50 Bichons (the exact number is closer to 60) in rescue that are either in Hospice, or probably not placeable due to things like old age, Diabetes, Cushing's, Seizures, Incontinence, Allergies, Separation Anxiety, Blindness, Deafness, old age heart murmurs, and the list just goes on.

Because it is costing us so much every year to support these Bichons (until the vet's tell us it is time or until God takes over), our Board of Trustees has decided that we can't be taking in Bichons that are not readily placeable, as we just can not sustain supporting more and more unplaceable dogs for the rest of their lives.

It makes sense in the brain, but it's really hard on the heart.

As it is, we will always need to take our own dogs back, if they need to come back into rescue. (That's where many of these unplaceable dogs are coming from. Their owners have either fallen on hard times, or have become elderly and can no longer take care of them.)

Last week Sara Pace, our Team Leader for IL. and IN. was at one of the Chicago area shelters.

It's not one where they just put everyone down, but, almost as bad, one where they don't ever put anyone down, even if they are sick and dying.

Sara has been there before where dogs are lying in their own waste, unable to stand and this shelter just lets them lay there until they die. Not good.

Well, there was a three year old female Bichon there who had been there since Jan 1.

She was hit by a car and her owners brought her to the shelter. She wasn't in danger of being euthanized but she appeared to have a herniated disc and would fall down when trying to walk.

She was able to stand and take some steps so we knew she wasn't entirely paralyzed.

We took a video of her and sent it to our surgeon before I made the decision to pull her.

He thought it looked like a herniated disc and since she is able to use one back leg, he was hoping that a disc was putting pressure on the spinal cord, and that it could be surgically repaired. He told me he would have to do a cat scan to be sure.

I told Sara to go ahead and pull her, believing we would be able to raise funds for her, she would be able to have surgery and she would be alright and adoptable, as we have done with many disc type injuries over the past almost 15 years.

One of our IL. volunteers, Candy Stamos, has airline privileges and flew little Piper in the cabin with her down to Oklahoma City, where our Oklahoma Team Leader, Ginger Wetz, met them at the airport.

Then Ginger took Piper on over to Dr. Skip's office, our surgeon.

Well, I got word yesterday that there is nothing pressing against her spinal cord and that she is not surgical.

Then he told me that she also has a bladder stone.

This is a video of what it looks like when she walks.

I asked him if because she will always be this way, if this was an end of life type decision that needed to be made.

He told me that if we can find someone to adopt her, she will have a good quality of life. It's just going to take a special person.

I'm going to tell you the truth. I just lost it.

The cat scan and bladder stone removal together will be $1700.00.

So, not only do we have a $1700.00 bill for her, but we really can't take on even one more lifetime hospice dog.

I should not have pulled her knowing this injury was this old and that she was safe.

There is a chance she could have been adopted from there and I blew it and I am so very sorry.

She is in no pain. She is able to get up after she falls down. She loves people and other dogs.

I called Kathryn Smith, our Team Leader to the Carolinas, last night to ask her advice about this. I guess I was just down and needed a shoulder.

Kathryn said to tell you that she just walks "wonky" (Piper, not Kathryn) but that she would be a loving family member for someone.

Piper may benefit from the use of a cart and if someone will ADOPT her, Dale and I will donate one for her.

She can not fly without a person because she can't steady herself in a crate but we can see if one of our airline helpers can help to deliver her to you at no cost if we have an approved adopter for her.

Dear God. Is there someone out there who could give this precious little girl a permanent home?

Online Adoption Application

This is another video of her moving. She is quite spunky.

The LAST thing we needed was a $1700.00 vet bill for testing and bladder stone removal and that included a 30% rescue discount.

I'm waiting to give him approval for the bladder stone removal until we can raise funds. He wants to do it with a scope, since it is small and that is less invasive.

We never raised what we needed for the four others from Chicago, yet.

Please pray that someone can help with Piper's vet bill, and even more than that, that someone will give her a home.

Again, I am so very sorry.

All My Love, Robin

See Vet Bills Paid By Small Paws Rescue For The First 19 Days of
February 2013, totalling $27, 647.97 which is an average of $1, 456.58 per day.

If you've made a past donation by credit card, you may e-mail Louie Bertolino at louieb@smallpawsrescue.org to let him know the amount of your donation for the Bichons.

You may also call Louie on his cell phone at 1-424-442-9484
Louie is on Eastern Standard Time!
(Please leave a message and Louie will return your call if he is not available!)

You may also send a check or money order to:
Small Paws Rescue Inc.
3316 S. 72nd. W. Ave.
Tulsa, Ok.

Companies Who Match Employees Donations

From Small Paws Ebay!

Feedback Score Of 2100 100% Positive Comments.

"Small Paws Rescue Ebay

"SPR Ebay is open! Come see!"

If you have items to donate to sell on Ebay, please email us! 



Coming soon to the e-store! Don't miss out! Men/womens Khaki hat with Navy bill. Now in the e-store. See the SPR Logo.

Small Paws Rescue Online E-Store managerat RMCOWARD@aol.com.

Try GoodSearch.com as your search engine and as your online shopping portal!
Small Paws is signed up and each time you use it, either to search or to go to an online seller, funds are sent to Small Paws for the Bichons! You can buy those shoes at Zappos and those books at Amazon *AND* donate to Small Paws Rescue! Try it out! So far, Small Pawsers have done over 100,000 searches and have shopped to raise $$2,641.38 for Small Paws Rescue!

How to Become a Much Needed Small Paws® Rescue Foster Parent!

See how we REALLY feel about our volunteers!

Prayer Requests and Reports

(Always remember. God loves you more than anyone else ever has,
and more than anyone else ever will!)

Hear the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir sing "So You Would Know."

Will God let us have our beloved pet's in heaven?

Information About Our Programs
Let Us Help You to Keep Your Pet During Tough Financial Times)

"Trust, a Deadly Disease"
A MUST read, sent in by our Team Leader
to the Carolinas, Kathryn Smith
~By Sharon Mathers. Published 1988 in Canine Concepts
and Community Animal Control Magazine.~

>When these folks applied to adopt, and we asked how their Bichon was killed by a car, this was their response. We hear this on an average of once a week.

(These are NOT Bichons adopted from Small Paws.)

PLEASE don't take a chance with the life of your Bichon!
We do not adopt to people who allow their dogs to run loose.

To: bonnie@smallpawsrescue.org
Subject: Re: Small Paws Rescue

We had him for the last five years, He is very obedient normally when we say "stay" he will stop wherever he is, so some times we are used to play with him in the yard for he loves to run around the yard in circles, during that time we did not put him on the leash, this particular day he was not on leash and did not yield to the command when he saw some dog across the road. It took off so suddenly the on coming driver did not have time to stop the car. That is how it happened.>

Humphrey Sisco
Dec 26, 1993~ Aug 30, 2006

When I first saw this beautiful picture of Cheri Sisco's "Humphrey", I thought it was truly the epitome of what we do, and why we do it. I wanted to use this black and white picture of Humphrey, taken only days before his death due to congestive heart failure, to let those who may be new to Small Paws, know what we do and why we do it. Without Small Paws, Humphrey would have never known love. He would have died in a kill shelter, sick and alone. Because of Small Paws, and Cheri Sisco, he lived, he loved, and he smiled.

(All recipients of the Small Paws Rescue newsletter receive it voluntarily. Small Paws never gleans e-mail addresses from other e-mail lists. Small Paws never solicits e-mail addresses or shares them with other "lists" or organizations.)

Small Paws® Rescue Inc.